Trainer: Ivan Dikov
Ivan is an experienced trainer with 10+ years in delivering training events in front of 10000+ people on 3 continents. The training legacy transformed into something more than just a professional occupation for him – it has become his passion. He truly believes that every person or organization has a brilliant potential to unravel and he has the necessary mindset, skillset and heartset to support them in achieving that.
He has a rich experience in delivering more than 700 different training events since 2009. He has done that in 8 different countries for the private and the public sector. His educational background is in economy, organizational psychology, coaching, neuro-linguistic programming and philosophy. He has been attending lectures and seminars from top experts in Bulgaria and globally – his teachers were people like Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Jordan Belfort, Richard Branson and Dalai Lama. He lives the inspiration of self-development and self-actualization and serves to transmit that to his clients as well.