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Leading Virtual Teams

Why do we need to work in the same building? That’s the question many companies now ask.The rapid pace of globalization and the growing number of collaborative software solutions have enabled virtual work, and the demand for skills from around the world have made it a necessity, but virtual team work is not intuitive. It’s about time that leaders recognize the human side of the equation.


A virtual instructor led program with a great number of practical tips, on-the-spot goal setting and helpful ideas all leading to insights and change.


People working remotely, responsible for leading x-country or x-functional projects

 Key outcomes

  • To discover special challenges and benefits associated with global virtual teams.
  • To understand perception of isolation, time and hierarchy.
  • To build sensitivity to key cultural values in global virtual teams.
  • To inspire and influence high performance from team.
  • Uncover potential risks of global virtual teams and learn how to overcome them.


two 3-hour VILT session
2022 – expect new dates soon




139 euro, excl. VAT

Trainer: Ivan Dikov

Ivan is an experienced trainer with 10+ years in delivering training events in front of 10000+ people on 3 continents. The training legacy transformed into something more than just a professional occupation for him – it has become his passion. He truly believes that every person or organization has a brilliant potential to unravel and he has the necessary mindset, skillset and heartset to support them in achieving that.

He has a rich experience in delivering more than 700 different training events since 2009. He has done that in 8 different countries for the private and the public sector. His educational background is in economy, organizational psychology, coaching, neuro-linguistic programming and philosophy. He has been attending lectures and seminars from top experts in Bulgaria and globally – his teachers were people like Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Jordan Belfort, Richard Branson and Dalai Lama. He lives the inspiration of self-development and self-actualization and serves to transmit that to his clients as well.