Coaching is a powerful process for assisting individuals to maximize their potential and achieve what matters to them.

When supporting our clients as coaches we focus on exploring their agenda, identifying their goals and challenging them to create strategies that will take them forward. We trust their inner wisdom and we make it possible for them to make changes at their own pace. We hold them accountable to themselves about the progress they are making. We encourage them to build confidence and stay authentic in the business world.

Coaching clients are offered an in-take meeting during which our coaches clarify their expectations, agenda and objectives. We discuss the format of the coaching relationship and agree on the framework for tracking clients’ progress. We continue with a series of coaching sessions which provide time and thinking space to the clients to make discoveries, get insights and advance to their goals.

Our coaches have graduated from prestigious international coaching schools whose curriculum are accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). We are fully devoted to the ethics and the principles of the coaching profession.

The Essence of Coaching

Coaching is a type of partnering relationship between a coach and a coachee, i.e. a client, which provokes a process of thoughtfulness and creativity and inspires the client to develop their own personal and professional potential and achieve their goal. The relationship is voluntary, equal, trust-based, and confidential.

The main learning objectives of the coaching process include:

  • Provide time, space and structure to the programme participants to define their learning objectives (global and on-going), activate themselves to apply what they will be learning, regularly review their progress, deal with challenges and celebrate successes.
  • Provide opportunity for high-quality coaching experience for the programme participants as coachees, aimed at building confidence with process and making it easier for them to master specific skills.

The role of the coach is to:

  • Provoke through powerful questions.
  • Listen in a non-judgmental and unbiased way.
  • Notice and mirror back what they have heard as facts, emotions, hidden messages, in order to support the client enrich their point of view.
  • Create calm environment, which makes the client feel secure and thus support them face their main challenges and overcome them.
  • Provoke in order to take their client out of their comfort zone and push them forward.
  • Hold the clients accountable for the progress.

The role of the coachee is to:

  • Initiate the coaching relation.
  • Set the focus (topic) of the coaching relationship and every single coaching session.
  • Know best what works for them and base the decisions they make on that.
  • Make their choices based on what they want and which are their priorities.
  • Decide whether to answer to a call for action by the coach and whether make any action.

The coach supports the client to create suitable environment and provide time to:

  • Look at a specific situation/ dilemma with a new perspective and thus enrich their view regarding what is possible and meaningful.
  • Define what they want to change.
  • Clarify their motivation about their actions and build an approach aiming at supporting this motivation.
  • Set their specific goals, which are challenging, motivating, significant, essential.
  • Build a strategy to achieve these specific goals.
  • Make decisions and take chances while taking into account the effect they will have and the connection with what is truly important for them.
  • Define specific actions and steps and commit to executing them.
  • Unbiasedly analyses and assesses their progress in achieving the set goal.
  • Creates habits and notices, respects and celebrates their success.
  • Develops new habits, behaviour style, points of view, etc.