Buyer Oriented Selling Strategies

Achieve the greatest results with customers and prospects by thinking like the buyer and not a seller

To be successful in selling everything said in a sales conversation should will be aligned to a very clear objective that mirrors the buyer’s point of view and need.

Clarifying buyer objectives takes skill. Salespeople must formulate objective driven questions and develop statements, which support that objective, all of which are at the heart of the BOSS model.

Buyer Orientated Selling Strategies enable those in sales to build a plethora of techniques, ideas, insights and tools that they can use in a practical, immediate and successful way to optimise relationships with customers/prospects and achieve the greatest result – increased sales.


This 2 day sales training course will equip individuals with the skills and techniques needed to successfully clarify buyers objectives and move beyond buying barriers to achieve the greatest result.



Anyone in the organisation who has a sales aspect to their job role


 Key outcomes

  • Use practical strategies to influence buying decisions and move beyond buying barriers
  • Use the BOSS model to achieve results
  • Achieve the greatest result with a customer/prospect



Enquire for prices


The course is typically held over 2 days

 You will leave this course able to:

  • Understand why particular buying decisions are made
  • Distinguish between the business need and the emotional wants of buyers
  • Use the BOSS model to achieve results
  • Interpret the signs and signals that may be given by buyers about their true thoughts or feelings
  • Adjust the buying process from Perception, Recall and Emotion to Reality, Fact and Logic to influence the buyers decision
  • Gain a repertoire of effective statements to achieve objectives in sales conversations
  • Enhance personal relationships with a customer/prospect