22 Oct
1 day
in Bulgarian
Sofia, Bulgaria


Each of us strives to develop and improve. We set goals, make plans, change them to achieve the expected results. Sometimes, however, despite our good intentions, the plans don’t come to fruition, the goals aren’t achieved and we are left with a sense of disappointment and frustration. We will look at our beliefs and values, shine a light on our saboteurs and learn how to challenge them so that we can be more successful and, most of all, satisfied with ourselves.

With this one-day onsite training, we will explore how well we are setting our goals and what is preventing us from achieving them.


For anyone for whom development is not an end in itself, but a conscious process.

 Key outcomes

  • Correct formulation of personal and professional goals.
  • Assessment of “where I am now” versus “where I want to be.
  • Assessment and use of resources and opportunities.
  • Recognize limiting beliefs and saboteurs.
  • Working with identified saboteurs.
  • Creating an action plan to achieve a specific goal.


1-day onsite training course: 22 October 2025


299 euro, VAT not included

Trainer: Julia Pruhtovich

Julia has sound experience in management, creating and implementation of HR and business processes, staff restructuring and optimization of processes. She has been working on various projects both in Bulgaria and abroad related to the design and delivery of training concepts.

Julia’s business background is in Finance & Banking holding various managerial positions (2004 – 2017). Her sound career is in the banking sector, having started at expert level, gradually taking up various management roles and finally becoming an Executive director. A number of key departments, such as Human Resources, Finance and Legal, have been under her supervision.

She has been dedicated to HR consulting & training as of 2017 – she is a successful HR and business consultant focusing on projects related to recruitment of expert and management level positions, development and delivery of specialized trainings, centres for staff assessment and development, analysis and optimization of HR-related processes for companies from different sectors. Her passion is supporting people and managing attitudes & relations.

The other training courses, part of Personal Development Academy:


Assertiveness and Self-esteem – 25 September 2025

Conflict Management – 12 November 2025

Time Management – 10 December 2025


The price for enrolling in the whole Personal Development Academy: 996 euro, VAT not included